
⛪✝️[Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Letter of King Abgarus to Jesus [The Miraculous Curing by Words] [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:1 - 1:2]

Special Notes :- Saviour is Kind and Saviour Saves our lifes. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was the Good Saviour. He saved the life of the persons. He rescued the Persons from evil Spirits. Lord Jesus Christ was himself the Word. He was the incarnation of the divine word. By his divine word, He controlled the Spirits. By his divine word, He cured many diseases. His divine words conquered the body of the Persons. His divine words healed the Persons. Without Medicine and herbs, Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ cured and healed the Persons. His Holy Divine Words were herbs and medicines. His Holy Divine Words healed the lame. His Holy Divine words healed the Blind. His Holy Divine Words controlled the Time. His Holy Divine Words brought good time in the Person's life. [THE EPISTLES of JESUS CHRIST and ABGARUS KING of EDESSA] [1:1 - 1:2] A copy of a letter written by King Abgarus to Jesus, and sent to him by Ananias, his footman, to Jerusalem, 5 inviting him to Edessa.  1. ABGARUS, king...

➕✝️⛪ [Pawan Upadhyay Bible] The Lord as Holy Crown [The Odes of King 👑 Solomon, Ode 1:1] ➕✝️⛪

  Special Notes :-  Lord our God is always with us when we remember the God. Put Lord in your mind every time. Lord is our protector and saviour. He purifies our heart and our mind. He purifies our spirits and our conscience. Positive Energy of the Holy Word removes the negative energy from minds. Holy Positive Energy eliminates the effects of the negative energy from the Body. Purity of the Holy Positive Energy removes the Impurities of the Negative Energy from the Mind, Spirit and the Body. Purity of the Holy Positive Energy is the cause of the Peace. Impurities of the Negative Energy are the cause of the over thinking, anger, violence and Lust. Lord loves the Purity. Our Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ was himself the divine purity and divine holiness. Lord was the crown of the King Solomon which guided King Solomon towards Victory. In God's Grace, King Solomon conquered every evil spirits by his ring. Without Lord, King Solomon was Nothing. Lord Jesus the Nazarene Christ is...

The Lost Gospel According to Peter

The Lost Gospel According to Peter [In the valley of the Upper Nile, on the right bank of the river, is the mysterious town of Akhmîm. It was called Panopolis in ancient times when it was the capital of the district. The remnants of monasteries and the ruins of temples mark the intellectual life of a former day. In 1888, the French Archæological Mission excavating in the grave of a monk, came upon a parchment codex. Six years later a translation of this was published in the Memoirs of the French Archæological Mission at Cairo. Scholars realized for the first time that a striking discovery, possibly of overwhelming importance, had been made. A portion of The Gospel According to Peter appeared to have been restored to the Christian Community after having been lost for ages. But until now, this document has never been made available to the general public. Centuries rolled over that remote tomb at Akhmîm, while nations rose and fell, wars blasted civilization, science metamorphosed the wor...

✝️The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul [Chapter 13 & Chapter 14]✝️

✝️The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul [Chapter 13 & Chapter 14]✝️ Chapter XIII. Chapter XIII. Annæus Seneca to Paul Greeting. 1 ALL happiness to you, my dearest Paul. 2 You have wrote many volumes in an allegorical and mystical style, and therefore such mighty matters and business being committed to you, require not to be set off with any rhetorical flourishes of speech, but only with some proper elegance. 3 I remember you often say, that many by affecting such a style do injury to their subjects, and lose the force of the matters they treat of. 4 But in this I desire you to regard me, namely, to have respect to true Latin, and to choose just words, that so you may the better manage the noble trust which is reposed in you. 5 Farewell. Dated vth of the names of July, Leo and Savinus consuls. Chapter XIV. Chapter XIV. Paul to Seneca Greeting. 1 YOUR serious consideration requited with these discoveries, which the Divine Being has granted but to few. ...

✝️The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul [Chapter 12]✝️

✝️The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul [Chapter 12]✝️ Chapter XII. Chapter XII. Annæus Seneca to Paul Greeting. 1 ALL happiness to you, my dearest Paul. Do you not suppose I am extremely concerned and grieved that your innocence should bring you into sufferings? 2 And that all the people should suppose you (Christians) so criminal, and imagine all the misfortunes that happen to the city, to be caused by you? 3 But let us bear the charge with a patient temper, appealing (for our innocence) to the court (above), which is the only one our hard fortune will allow us to address to, till at length our misfortunes shall end in unalterable happiness. 4 Former ages have produced (tyrants) Alexander the son of Philip, and Dionysius; ours also has produced Caius Cæsar; whose inclinations were their only laws. 5 As to the frequent burnings of the city of Rome, the cause is manifest; and if a person in my mean circumstances might be allowed to speak, and one might d...

✝️The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul [Chapter 9 & Chapter 10 & Chapter 11]✝️

✝️The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul [Chapter 9 & Chapter 10 & Chapter 11]✝️ Chapter IX. Chapter IX. Annæus Seneca to Paul Greeting. 1 I KNOW that my letter, wherein I acquainted you, that I had read to the Emperor your Epistles, does not so much affect of as the nature of the things (contained in them), 2 Which do so powerfully divert men's minds from their former manners and practices, that I have always been surprised, and have been fully convinced of it by many arguments heretofore. 3 Let us therefore begin afresh; and if any thing heretofore has been imprudently acted, do you forgive. 4 I have sent you a book de copia verborum. Farewell, dearest Paul. Chapter X. Chapter X. Paul to Seneca Greeting. 1 AS often as I write to you, and place my name before yours, I do a thing both disagreeable to myself; and contrary to our religion: 2 For I ought, as I have often declared, to become all things to all men, and to have that regard to your q...

✝️The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul [Chapter 8]✝️

✝️The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul [Chapter 8]✝️ Chapter VIII. Chapter VIII. Paul to Seneca Greeting. 1 ALTHOUGH I know the emperor is both an admirer and favourer of our (religion), yet give me leave to advise you against your suffering any injury, (by shewing favour to us.) 2 I think indeed you ventured upon a very dangerous attempt, when you would declare to the emperor) that which is so very contrary to his religion, and way of worship; seeing he is a worshipper of the heathen gods. 3 I know not what you particularly had in view, when you told him of this; but I suppose you did it out of too great respect for me. 4 But I desire that for the future you would not do so; for you had need be careful, lest by shewing your affection for me, you should offend your master: 5 His anger indeed will do us no harm, if he continue a heathen; nor will his not being angry be of any service to us: 6 And if the empress act worthy of her character, she will not b...